Monday, June 11, 2012

Price is Everything...or is it?

 Are you losing jobs on price?  At some point we all do.  How do you grow your business past that point?  Education.  You must educate yourself and your customer about why price shouldn't be the only, or even the main point.  To do that you need to ask the right questions.  Start with, “Is there anything besides price that's important to you?”  It may be that quality matters, or on-time delivery, or maybe they appreciate a sales rep that is interested in helping them, rather than someone out to score.

  Focus on what the customer needs to gain from the sale, not on what you can offer.  Listen.  Once the customer concedes that there are other considerations, then you can point out how you can meet those needs.  Keep it positive.  Don't argue.  And never, ever badmouth the competition.  Let your product and your service do the talking.