Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Why Do Car Seats Have An Expiration Date?

Why does plastic take so long to break down in a landfill?  Because it is protected from the sun's harmful UV rays by a layer of dirt and other trash.  Car seats spend a lot of time in the sun.  The plastic loses impact strength and rigidity over time and exposure to sunlight.

The same goes for plastic gate hardware.  It's temporary.  If it wasn't, you wouldn't see the largest plastic gate hardware manufacturers introducing stainless steel products.

At MFT we have made stainless steel gate hardware from the very beginning.  We experimented with plastics and quickly came to the conclusion that unless your gate is going to spend its entire life indoors, stainless steel was the only way to go.  If you're not offering your customers the very best in stainless steel gate hardware, consider the stronger, longer lasting, and lower cost option of Modern Fence Technologies gate hardware.  Made proudly in the United States of America!

Monday, May 21, 2018

Is Your Motorcycle Helmet Expired?

Did you know that motorcycle helmets typically have an expiration date?  Why is that?  Simple.  Because they are made from materials that degrade every moment they are in the sun.  Ultraviolet light destroys plastic and fiberglass.  So why hang your gate on plastic hinges?

Use American made stainless steel hinges from Modern Fence Technologies to be sure your gate will last!