Friday, October 19, 2012

How does twenty-five bucks sound?


How does twenty-five bucks sound?
Cha Ching!!!

Modern Fence Technologies is in the process of updating our website and we are asking all of our customers to help out.
All you have to do is take a phenomenal picture of our product in use.
Submit your picture in JPEG format to your sales representative, along with your company name, name of the photographer, and a phone number where the photographer can be reached. A completed photo release will need to be on file for us to use your photo.
If we select your photo for use in our website, catalog, or on-line store your company will be awarded an immediate $25 credit on your account, and your company name and the name of the photographer will be immortalized, (until the next update)!  So get snappin'!

Phenomenal photos will show our product properly installed, be well lit, (Avoid direct sunlight, as it can “wash out” detail), will show how the product enhances your fence, and will have an interesting description of the application. Including all of these will greatly improve the likelihood of having your photo chosen!

                   This is what a well lit picture looks like.

This picture has too much contrast and no detail.

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